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Despite a city in chaos, East Timorese children cant help a cheeky smile for the camera.  They have little, they ask for nothing, but they deserve so much more .  Taken by me on patrol in July 2006, Dili, East Timor.

Australians owe a huge debt to the people of East Timor.


Thousands of Australians exist today because their forefathers saved our forefathers lives in World War 2.


Hundres of thousands of East Timorese, many of them young children, dont exist today, because we, Australia, turned our back on them when they needed us most.


The guilt and sadness this caused our great-grandfathers, those brave diggers who survived on Timor island thanks to the Timorese, can not be forgotten. 


Most of those diggers are gone now, and passed away with the debt un-paid, and their conscience still burdened.


We still have the opportunity to make good to the East Timorese, on behalf of our forefathers.


Help us repay this debt.


Give these children a future.


Give them the future those thousands of children who perished never had.  


And make those diggers that are now gone, rest further at peace.




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